Safe weaning with long-lasting gains
Trouble-free piglet weaning has a lot to do with the composition of the weaning feed. Easily digestible proteins are the best investment for a healthy, well balanced gut, to maximize growth potential and provide long-term financial rewards.
HAMLET PROTEIN’s patented bioconversion process minimizes the anti-nutritional factors naturally present in soy. This ensures our proteins are palatable and easy to digest, making them high-performing alternatives to fishmeal, blood plasma and other high quality protein products.
Since the EU ban on antibiotic growth promoters, we have played an active role in reformulating weaning feed recipes. Today, farmers benefit from healthy piglet diets that give the very best performance.

Benefits that add up to a good business
Numerous international feeding trials have documented the positive effects on piglet health, growth and performance.
These include:
- High protein digestibility due to the low content of anti-nutritional factors
- Rich content of essential amino acids
- Improved feed conversion ratio
- Strong, uniform piglet growth
- Good return on investment

Even though soy is an excellent vegetable protein, soy also contains components which can hinder the digestibility in the gut of the young animal, such as antigenic protein, oligosaccharides, phytic acid, lectins and trypsin inhibitors. As a whole, we refer to these as anti-nutritional factors(ANFs).
Anti-nutritional factors cannot be digested and can potentially even be harmful for animals, e.g. by forming a substrate for bacterial fermentation in the gut. Unevenness of soy anti-nutritional factors therefore not only affects growth performance but also increases the risk of pathogenic bacteria.
Therefore ensuring the lowest possible anti-nutritional factors activity in soybean ingredients is key to improve the performance, health and welfare of animals. Our patented bio conversion process ensures that all our protein products have a reduced ANF content.

Improved FCR
High digestibility (SID) improves gut health and results in improved Feed Conversion Ratio
When replacing e.g. an animal protein with protein products from Hamlet Protein, farmers experience reduced feed costs, as they simply use less feed when they add Hamlet Protein products to their diets.
As an extra benefit they also experience lower mortality and increased average daily gain, ensuring them more earnings per piglet and a better ROI.

Uniform growth
Hamlet Protein ensures better gut health and growth among the smallest piglets. This leads to higher uniformity as they grow older meaning less work for the farmer as the herd reaches their end weight at the same time.
Young animals gain weight faster when their feed contains HAMLET PROTEIN ingredients. This can be explained by the high digestibility of our proteins.
By gently removing the anti-nutritional factors that limit the digestibility of native soy protein, we ensure the bioavailability of the amino acids that are the building blocks for growth.
Feeding trials have found that our specialty soy proteins improve the feed conversion rate and average daily weight gain of young animals.

Reduced need for antibiotics
Studies show that many instances of diarrhoea in young animals are caused by nutritional shortcomings.
This could be prevented by better selection and composition of the ingredients in the diet – with no use of antibiotics at all.
Faced with consumer and regulatory pressure, EU producers are now aiming to claim ‘no antibiotics ever’. Outside the EU, various definitions of antibiotic-free (ABF) production are in circulation.
Reduced use, ionophores only, organic production with no antibiotics, ionophore coccidiostats, chemical anticoccidials or chemical antibacterials, such as sulphonamides, are among the approaches employed. ‘No antibiotics ever’ refers to animals raised without antibiotics in their feed and water and injections that include no ionophores, although they may still receive coccidiostats.