Hamlet Protein

​Feed costs in animal production accounts for 70% of total expenses. At Hamlet Protein we use a sustainable processing technology to deliver nutritious and functional products that also have a complementary effect on other ingredients for an overall higher feed utilization. Our product portfolio includes protein and fiber options.

Protein products are free of antinutritional factors that reduces oxidative stress and inflammation for maximum amino acids deposition in muscles tissue and overall improved growth performance. Functional fibers are supporting young animals by fueling the microbiota in different life stages for stronger and more vital animal development.

Products for swine

HP 800 Booster

Early weaned and lightweight piglets have some catching up to do. HP 800 Booster increases the feed intake of challenged piglets for faster, naturally healthy growth.

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HP 300

HP 300 supports piglet health and growth through the weaning phase and benefits long-term performance and health.

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HP FiberStart

HP FiberStart is a concept of enzymatically co-processed raw materials to a functional ingredient rich in digestible protein and inert and fermentable fibers.

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HP AviStart for broiler starter feed​

Young chicks have very different digestive and nutritional requirements than
older broilers.

The highly digestible protein in HP AviStart helps chicks get the very best start in life, improving your return on investment.

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Products for Ruminants

HP 100 milk replacer

Calves grow best when the proteins in their feed are easy to digest. While dairy proteins used to be the first choice, today specialty soy proteins can do the job just as well.

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HP 300 pre-starter feed

Young calves depend on an efficient pre-starter feed to ensure the smoothest transition from calf to ruminant and stimulate growth.

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Pro-terra secures sustainable soy sourcing

All our non-GMO SBM is documented sustainable and ProTerracertified. ProTerrais a Standard for Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability in Agriculture and is based on the Basel Criteria on Responsible Soy, published in 2005.

The aim of the ProTerraStandard is to foster good agricultural practice, the protection of high conservation value areas, the environment and biodiversity in general, rural workers as well as communities by linking production and demand of Non-GMO commodities in full traceability.

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Product benefits

Feed is the critical factor in animal production, accounting for up to 70% of total costs. Using HAMLET PROTEIN specialty proteins in young animal feed, you can optimize feed efficiency – and maximize your return on investment.

The key is their easy absorption by immature guts. Although added to feed for only a limited period in early life, our proteins have a strong carry-over effect on animal growth and performance. Feeding trials have documented a higher slaughter weight compared to animals fed standard soybean meal.

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How can we help?

Formaulating the best posssible feed for young animals takes expert knowledge about nutritional needs.


Providing the right nutrition in the first life stage determines the overall lifetime performance of the animal. Our soy-based specialty ingredients improve health, welfare and performance of young animals. That is how we deliver a strong return on investment to producers around the world.