HP AviStart
Broiler starter feed
Young chicks have very different digestive and nutritional requirements than
older broilers.
The highly digestible protein in HP AviStart helps chicks get the very best start in life, improving your return on investment.

Pro-terra secures sustainable soy sourcing
Only non-GMO
All our non-GMO SBM is documented sustainable and ProTerracertified. ProTerrais a Standard for Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability in Agriculture and is based on the Basel Criteria on Responsible Soy, published in 2005.
The aim of the ProTerraStandard is to foster good agricultural practice, the protection of high conservation value areas, the environment and biodiversity in general, rural workers as well as communities by linking production and demand of Non-GMO commodities in full traceability.

Benefitting from our products
Feed is the critical factor in animal production, accounting for up to 70% of total costs. Using HAMLET PROTEIN specialty soy proteins in young animal feed, you can optimize feed efficiency – and maximize your return on investment.
The key is their easy absorption by immature guts. Although added to feed for only a limited period in early life, our proteins have a strong carry-over effect on animal growth and performance. Feeding trials have documented a higher slaughter weight compared to animals fed standard soybean meal.
Our highly bioavailable proteins improve feed quality overall. That paves the way to reducing the total protein content – cutting the cost of your formulation.
Other benefits include:
- Lessen impact of gut disorders
- Reduction of footpad dermatitis incidence and severity

How to use
For maximum performance gains, broiler starter diets should contain HP AviStart for the first seven to 14 days after hatching.
Feeding HP AviStart longer - up to 28 days - is also used. The recommended dose is 5-10%.
Diets must be reformulated when replacing an existing protein source such as soybean meal with HP AviStart, which is higher in protein and amino acid digestibility. This will ensure the right levels of protein and energy in the starter feed.
Antibiotic-free production
For HAMLET PROTEIN the key consideration is the digestibility of feed and elimination of dietary anti-nutritional factors. The digestive tract is highly immature at hatching, so unless feed is easy to digest, many nutrients will pass through the digestive tract unabsorbed, resulting in poor performance.
Don´t hesitate to contact our broiler team on any questions you may have about optimization of your broiler starter feed.